This article was written on March 14, 2011:
We are all stuttering in some form, not letting our greatness out. The truth of who we are is far more magnificent than what we have been taught. We possess within us all of the mysteries of the Universe and the innate power to use our imagination to manifest our heart’s desires. We can each be the person we wish to be.
As you choose to not acknowledge your greatness but to settle for something that is socially acceptable so that you fit in, so that you don’t have to be uncomfortable, so that you don’t have to be responsible, the result is the experience of personal anguish. Choosing to be less than you are actually diminishes your soul. You are choosing to diminish your soul for what you believe to be social acceptability.
You may believe you have chosen to be more comfortable, but in reality, you have chosen a life of personal anguish.
Every day you have the choice to continue to live a lie or to find and live in your Truth. In a world where all of our systems that we once thought were solid are now dissolving, it is ever more important that we choose to come back to truth.
Truth is our only real sense of grounding and protection. It is the only thing that we have. As Colin Firth, in the movie The King’s Speech, became King George the VI – as he knew that was what he needed to do, it became clear to him that he could not just be a naval officer anymore. His brother, the successor to the throne, had denounced it. He was then next in line to become the King.
Somebody had to take care of the country, and as he struggled and felt “less than,”(particularly with respect to his brother his entire life, while his father also demeaned him), he had to come into his own strength and power immediately! That is how we all must come into our own strength and our own power. We all have to come to terms with the greatness of who we are.The world depends on this.
How are YOU holding yourself back?
How painful is the thought of greatness?
How is it that you are diminishing yourself by not acknowledging and living your greatness?
Isn’t what we truly can do far more than what we do?
“If you would do all the things you are capable of, you would astound yourself.” – Thomas Edison
Photo Credit: By (Flickr: Filming Colin and Helena) [CC-BY-2.0 ( via Wikimedia Commons